Friday, September 28, 2012

Random Thoughts - 09/28/2012

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein

Today I have random thoughts to express and hopefully you will get a little something from each one.

You say its your birthday!

Well, as the song goes, "Happy birthday to you!" It is my brother Jim's birthday today. I'm not sure if he is working today or relaxing with a nice cold beer. What I do know is that I'm proud to look up to him as my brother. I admire what he has accomplished in life, his wonderful wife and beautiful kids and grandkids.

A most happy birthday to you Jim!

What is your will?

This morning my wife and I were privileged to attend a breakfast meeting in which the talented Jan Overton, Attorney at Law spoke. We learned of those things many of us refuse to talk about; wills, estate planning and trusts. What do those that remain do once we are gone?

WILL you make those plans today, because it WILL be too late once you are gone.

Can we get back to more important things now?

It is finally over. The National Football League owners have settled a contract dispute with the NFL Referees Association. After weeks of fans, analysts and the world coming to an end due to replacement referees, the professional ones are back on the field. The economy, job growth, worries of terrorism and general mayhem took a back seat while we all gnashed our teeth over a few bad calls.

I understand sports are a distraction for many from our real problems. But let us never forget, even with all of the money involved, it is still just a sports game.

Have a great weekend everyone and above all, stay inspired!

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