Friday, October 05, 2012

Random Thoughts - 10/05/2012

For Friday, again I give you my random thoughts from the week nearly completed.

To Live Each Birthday

Today is my father's birthday, celebrating 82 years of surprises, the ordinary and the extra-ordinary. He is the man (very young man) to the far left in the picture below. My sister Pam is being held by our Grandmother. So many years ago, so many years passed but many of them seem like yesterday.

Happy Birthday Dad. Love you much.

And while I am on the subject of birthdays.

It is also my grand-daughter's birthday. Mckenna is now eight years old. A full and rich life will be her's to have and hold. A joyous and wonderful time it will be.

Happy Birthday Mckenna. Grandpa and Grandma love you.

Speaking of Reliving Your Memories

It was the great folk singer Bob Dylan that wrote, "Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them." Well, some times you get to come close to doing so. Just recently I was flying home to Atlanta from San Francisco. It was on this flight that I had the pleasure of sitting next to a lady by the name of Margaret.

Margaret was probably in her late seventies, but the gentleman in me did not ask. What makes this interesting for me at least, is that she looked so much like my long deceased great Aunt Minnie. Even her tone of voice and bubbliness at times caught me off guard. There were even times that the German gruffness would surface.

We talked of her airport experience, her visiting her son in San Francisco and of returning to Florida. There were the typical praises for her son and the worries as well. She wondered if another son living in Florida would find her at the airport when she arrived. And through the conversation, I had a feeling that I was once again talking to my Aunt Minnie.

Once in a great while we get to experience these memories coming to life once again. Take care to embrace the moment and simply enjoy it. Thank you Margaret for letting me relive some of my youth with Aunt Minnie.

Stay inspired my friends and we'll talk again next week.

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