Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tearing Down The Fence

"I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us." -Anne Lamott

How many times do we let the actions of others effect our day? Could it really be that those "big box" store employees determine if my day is going to be a good one or not? No, not really. I use it as an example of how other people step in and out of your life of which you really have no control over. That connection or interaction can be a positive one, or a negative one if you let it.

It is in trying to understand what the story is of that other person in which I find grace. In my example of the "big box" store, the people working there have lives filled with many varying stories. One may have had someone cut them off in traffic on the way to work. Another may have a relative sick and in the hospital. Still others may have had their favorite team lose the previous night.

Their individual stories are not a reason to create an excuse but to show you that there is another side, another story, another reason. We have no control over what happens in their lives. It is in our interaction, in that moment that decides how we are going to be impacted.

Many times we choose to become irritated, to become bothered and annoyed. The frustration builds inside and we literally ruin our very own day. What we are really doing is fencing ourselves in. Allowing ourselves to be locked up by the attitudes and whims of others. We have an opportunity to decide. We have the ability to not put up that fence in our life.

I may have had irritation going to these stores, but I choose to smile and bring change into their life if possible. I choose to understand that there is always another side to the story. I choose to not be fenced in by other peoples actions and attitudes. I choose to have grace in these situations.

Simply put, I choose.

Stay inspired my friends.

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