Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hard Coffee Road

"The road of life can only reveal itself as it is traveled; each turn in the road reveals a surprise. Man's future is hidden." -Unknown

There is a phrase that I became familiar with growing up in the farmland of the midwest. If you were being given directions to get from one field to the next, you might hear "its a hard coffee road." The phrase meant that at least one of the roads being traveled was not in very good shape. More than likely it was a poorly maintained road full of ruts and bumps. In turn, it would be a hard road to drive down and drink coffee at the same time.

I have been down that type of road many a time. It is the type of road that you may have been down as well in life. A road you might be traveling in life, drinking a cup of coffee when all of a sudden things become quite bumpy. That nice smooth ride, sipping on your morning coffee suddenly becomes difficult and hard to enjoy.

There are going to be those days during your drive in life that drinking your morning coffee is difficult. The coffee will burn your lip, spill onto your tie and make you wonder why you even drink coffee. And know there are really only two options.

You pull over on the side of the road and enjoy your coffee, but to stop your forward movement is will not get you to your destination. Your coffee will either become cold or you will have drank until the cup is empty. You are simply left sitting on the side of the road and not one step closer to where you want to be in life.

The other option is to manage the situation and keep moving forward. You could always slow down a little bit while drinking that coffee. You could always put the coffee down for now, getting rid of that distraction and concentrating on the more important things. And even if you keep trying to drink the coffee, with it splashing back and forth. Remember that a little bit of spilled coffee is just coffee.

It might be a "hard coffee road" you are currently on, but just keep moving. There are better roads ahead for you.

Stay inspired my friends.

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