Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Clarity of Vision

Flint Castle, North Wales

"Clarity affords focus." -Thomas Leonard

Joseph Mallord William Turner, was born in Covent Garden, London on April 23, 1775 and died December 19, 1851. Turner was an English Romantic landscape artist, whose style is said to have laid the foundation for Impressionism.

It is in this painting I see the sun coming up on a new day. The ships are not quite ready to set sail because not all is in focus just yet.

Your dreams or visions are just that, dreams and visions that are not yet in focus.

Now is the time to start wiping the sleep from your eyes and finding clarity. By stepping forward, by beginning your movement forward, the picture will start to become more clear. It will gain clarity and allow you to set sail.

Stay inspired my friends.

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