Monday, April 15, 2013

Inside My Bottle

"Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all the others were making ships." -Charles Simic

So which type of person are you?

Are you the adventurous type, preparing to set sail uncharted waters?
Are you the type of person that provides safe harbor for others?

Both types of people are important to having great relationships; to having a great life.

While the two seem different as night and day, without the other there would be no beauty in sunsets or sunrises. If not for earth and sky there would be no rains to wash and renew our spirit. If not for man and woman, the beauty of life would be unrealized. If not for birth and death, there would be no life to measure.

Build a ship or build a lighthouse...just build something in your life with others.

Stay inspired my friends!

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