Friday, May 24, 2013

Tears of Joy

"The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity." -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It is much harder to say good bye when you don't exactly know when someone is leaving. The words never seem to say the right thing nor do they even truly comfort the soul. For me, I have been trying to figure out how to say these words to a friend that is on that path to eternity. She is a close friend to my wife. I love her as a sister. I love her husband like a brother.

And there is nothing I can do about it.

Her faith in God is greater than most and I truly admire the courage with which she faces each remaining moment. God can perform miracles and this is one I would truly love and pray to see happen. Yet it is not for me to demand that of my God. So we wait patiently and in expectation of the plan that is Belinda.

There have been tears cried by her family and friends. There will be more to be shed for sure. Our hope is that they are tears of joy for recovery, but we also know they will be tears of joy for her place in eternity. As I told one of her daughters, those tears will water the seeds of something new. The lessons learned, the life given by Belinda will sprout into great things for her children, her grand children, her husband Mark and mother Charlene.

I have no way of knowing what those great things will be, but I do know they will be birthed in the love that Belinda has shown all of us. Yes, I understand it is strange and odd to talk of someone as if they are no longer with us. In my heart I truly hope we can sit at a table in years to come and laugh about my words written here. But I want Belinda to know how much I love her, her husband and entire family.

And to tell her that I am a better person for having known her.

Safe travels to you Belinda and brighten a star for us when you are gone.

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