Monday, March 10, 2014

Dream and Act Big

All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.” - Brian Tracy

Ever have a big idea; one that you wanted to do or attempt?

A big idea that had you excited and ready to jump in a new direction?

Then you sat back after the initial excitement and started thinking about it. You began to size up what would be involved and took a realistic view of all that would need to be done. Others may have offered advice that dampened your enthusiasm.

As the days went by, your enthusiasm started to wane and you began to develop a negative thought process. The negative thoughts began to drown out the possibility of doing something big in your life.

All of this negativity shrunk your world back down to a small and compact little environment. You could even hear the slamming door of opportunity echo in the back of your mind.

Small thinking keeps us from accomplishing big things in life.

Our tendency is to think small.

Life is much bigger than that.

You can think big and take big steps to achieve greatness. Do not allow yourself to be limited or confined to a small world. Open yourself to the big world that is out there.

A bigger life awaits you outside.

Stay inspired my friends!

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