Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fishing Nets

We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” ― Herman Melville

Your life is a series of connections, like the knots of a fishing net. Each knot is a relationship with another person. As these knots or grow, the larger the net becomes. Your impact on other people connects and intertwines with each person encountered.

But you can not simply create a connection and forget about it.

Each knot of the net has to be tended to. When a weak spot develops, a hole can develop. Not only your relationship but a piece of your life can slip through that hole. When this happens, what is left will be difficult to gather back in.

Caring for and mending each connection is important.

These relationships are more important than having all the money in the world. These relationships define who you are. An old saying goes something like this, "he who dies with the most toys wins." But the reality is that "he who dies with the most toys still dies." The strength and goodness of the knots or connections will last a very long time in the memories of those left behind.

Tend to your life connections, which will improve your life and others.

A strong net will be there if you fall. A well tended net will feed you when you recover. It will connect and impact many people. It is your impact on the lives of other people which will mean the most when life ends...a lasting memory to guide others when you are long gone.

Stay inspired my friends!

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