Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Does Circumstance Decide?

"I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also, much more than that. So are we all." - James A. Baldwin

At different points in your life time, how you respond to a situation will determine much about the direction of your life. The circumstances that occur around you can have an impact upon your attitude and beliefs. It may even seem that life in general is 'out' to get you.

I have seen people let those circumstances get the better of them.

These people fall deeper into depression, some have turned angry and one or two took their own life. All of these options are difficult and can have a devastating outcome. But you have to find a way to push through and know inside you are important.

Only you can make the decision to change your life.

Do not think that I am saying that depression and suicidal tendencies are fixed by smiling and 'being positive'. Both of these are serious and you should seek professional help. What I am saying is that you can slip towards these conditions by allowing events in your life to take over. And you have to battle against those circumstances.

A lost job promotion, injury from an accident, divorce or whatever it might be. Each of these events can mark a turn in your life. How you decide to emerge from these events will determine your life in the short term and many time the long term.

A radio story on National Public Radio gave a good example of turning your circumstance into something positive. It is the story of Ricardo Pitts, a man that had his life changed in the late sixties. As Ricardo puts it, "And what could have been a crushing moment in my life really was just something different. I said 'No, I’m not going to give in."

He was not going to let circumstance hold him back.

As for all of us, circumstances which occur around and through your life will always be there. It is how to you respond to them that matters. Turn your life around, use life experience in a positive way to make that life of yours better.

And stay inspired my friends.

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