Friday, April 04, 2014

Thankful Once in a While

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” - Brian Tracy

Coming home from a trip to Boston, I read a Readers Digest article titled, "How The New Science of Thank You Can Change Your Life." The article pretty much falls in the same space as most everything I talk about in this blog. One must be realistic that life does get in the way and not everything will be perfect and wonderful. Yet to think and move in life with a more positive attitude will serve you better.

The article referenced a study conducted by Robert Emmons (University of California-Davis) and Michael E. McCullough (University of Miami). Published in 2003, the study found that people who were consciously grateful;

- felt better about their lives.
- were more optimistic.
- were more energetic.
- were more enthusiastic.
- were more determined.
- were more interested.
- were more joyful.
- exercised more.
- dad fewer illnesses.
- got more sleep.
- were more likely to have helped someone else.

Very interesting and results that can change your life. Both small things along with the big things make a difference.

Life is not nearly as bad as we tend to make it out to be. So stay inspired my friends.

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