Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Feeling Peckish? Good!

"If you don't like what you're getting, then change what you're doing. It's up to you." - Pat Croce

Your word of the day is peckish.

\ PEK-ish \

1. somewhat hungry: By noon we were feeling a bit peckish.
2. rather irritable: He's always a bit peckish after his nap.

Are you feeling a bit peckish for greater things in your life?

Are you somewhat peckish about your job and career?

Those two questions sound like the start to an infomercial for a miracle pill, book or online course to solve all your problems. An instant career in this one little pill taken twice daily for a month. Play these easy listening audio courses and you too can have the large yacht and buckets full of no more misery.

All for the low price of $99.

It would be great if that is all it took to get over feeling peckish about life. The one pill for all weight loss goals. The one book to give us all the success we need. The one idea to propel us to greatness. Instant, easy and ready made just for us.

Reality soon dissolves that wish and takes your $99.

Being peckish helps to motivate you. It can inspire you to learn more, to experience more, to get up and stop wishing for the instant fix. It makes you think about changing the way you view your job and those around you. It makes you think about changing your circumstance either within the situation or moving on to greater adventures.

You have two choices once you become peckish.

One is to do nothing, remain tired and annoyed at the situation. The second choice is to get up and do something about it. It is a simple case of choosing one of two options that can be the hardest thing in your life to decide.

Choose to change your condition.

Make a choice to not let circumstance define you but rather you define you. And stay inspired my friends.

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