Monday, June 02, 2014

To Choose Kindness

Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ― Desmond Tutu

Ask yourself one question. A question that is simple enough to answer if you are honest about it. There are no points awarded, no right or wrong answers, just a way to reflect on what it is you do on a daily basis.

Ask yourself, "Do I impact all of the people I come in contact with in a positive way?"

If you stop and think about it, say for two or three minutes each day, your life will automatically begin to conduct itself in a positive manner.

You may find yourself at first realizing you don't act with others in an uplifting way. But when you constantly ask the question of yourself, it start a process inside causing you to reflect upon the reasons you did not. It isn't a bad thing being in a bad mood from time to time. All of us go through it and some days we treat other people very indifferently.

To ask the question of yourself is to acknowledge that you have good days and bad days. Doing this on a consistent basis will enable you to assess why your mood was either good or bad on a particular day. Over time, you will find ways to avoid those unkind, bad mood days just a little more often.

Today, I feel good about those I have and will come in contact with.
Tomorrow I will ask myself, did I accomplish that task.
Forever I will try to be kind.

The world will come to your door if you do. Stay inspired my friends.

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