Monday, August 11, 2014

Puzzling Life

It's like somebody gives you a jigsaw puzzle, but it's thousands of years old and you're not given all of the pieces.” ~ James Dunbar

The movie began just as the original book did. A young child is born and begins a life filled with joy and optimism. As we watch the movie unfold, we could easily skip ahead in the book to find key parts. We could even go to the final pages and figure out how it all ends.

The wonder of it all is that in real life we can not read ahead. There is no way to read Chapter 20 and figure out how the teen years worked out. No jumping to Chapter 55 to see if our career choice was a success. It even keeps us from sneaking a peek at the final chapter.

The story of our life has to simply unfold before us.

The final picture could be considered a puzzle that starts as a blank slate. With thousands of pieces that are not neatly stored in a box for us. We have to find the puzzle pieces and fit them together. Searching all over for even the smallest one, figuring out if it will fit.

The difficult part is that our puzzle pieces interlock with the pieces of other peoples lives. We mix and match, building our life. Sometimes existing pieces get changed out which causes other pieces not to fit. Its a constant "work in progress" to figure out what it will finally look like.

When we near the final chapter, only a very few number of pieces remain. The picture will seem clear to us and one can view it with pride. Yet there will always be at least one piece we will never see filled.

That is the finality of our life.

We know and understand what the piece represents. What we don't know is what will happen beyond, once the piece is put in place. But that empty piece represents hope beyond our natural lives. Depending upon your faith or beliefs, it could mean many different things.

Knowing that the final piece is the great unknown, while we are here on earth we have the ability to create the rest of the picture. We can find and change out other sections. We have the ability to shape our own lives.

Piece together the picture you want for your life. Create a life that everyone will want to read about. It is that kind of life others will want to skip ahead and peak at.

Stay inspired my friends!

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