Monday, October 13, 2014

Faith Through the Rain

"Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. It is not enough that a thing be possible for it to be believed." ~ Voltaire

You are driving down the road on a late summer afternoon. The days have been filled with hot and humid conditions. This day you hope that those clouds gathering create a cool rain to break the heat.

A jagged lightning bolt and loud thunder shudders the peaceful day.

A few droplets of rain and then it happens, a seemingly impenetrable wall of rain. You drive into it, the wipers swooshing like mad. But you drive on knowing and with faith that the road continues. You believe in the road being there and your ability to maneuver even in this heavy down pour.

Your journey in life is like this at times.

You encounter a wall of rain that obscures your view of the path ahead. But you keep moving forward, trusting your instincts; trusting your knowledge that you can get through to the other side.

When you trust and have faith in your ability, nothing is impossible.

I didn't say easy, but all things are possible with a firm faith in self. Keep moving forward, keep looking through the rain that gets in the way. The rain will end, the clouds will part and a blue sky will appear. Just keep moving, step by step, faith by faith.

Stay inspired my friends.

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