Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Revealing Hidden Connections

"A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one." - Heraclitus of Ephesus

There are hidden connections that exist between humans from all over the world. When I think about how we are connected with each other in ways we may not realize, I think of the popular game called, Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. The game rests on an assumption that any person can be linked through his or her life to actor Kevin Bacon.

It became so widely played, the actor himself started a charitable organization called Six Degrees. Mr. Bacon's organization takes the premise that everyone is connected by roughly six connections, and turns that networking capability into something powerful and quite useful.

When you stop and think about how you are connected to others, we can usually trace it to three or four people fairly easily. It is those further connections which are hidden, and even if hidden we are still connected.

Connection to one another is important in our lives. Zig Ziglar says that “you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

But how do you know what they want?

By connecting and taking the time to get to know them.

People are generally not interested in how much 'you' know until they know how much 'you' care. It is an odd way of looking it but has quite a bit of truth in it. You develop credibility with others when you connect with them and show them you genuinely want to help them.

This does not mean you make a project out of people, but you connect because you actually care. What happens is those hidden connections get revealed. The separation that once existed is now closed and people's lives are impacted.

When you make a move to connect, the connections begin to vibrate throughout your sphere of influence.

The hidden connections are revealed and lives are touched.

Stay inspired my friends.

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