Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 Ends

For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." ― T.S. Eliot

What will the new year bring to you? More importantly, what will you do in the new year? What voice will you use to bring greatness into the life of others and to your own. Will you allow 2015 to be the start of something big?

With three days left in the year of 2014, if you look back at all of the great things accomplished, you know there is more to accomplish in 2015. And you will accomplish even more in the coming year as you turn from self to others. When you approach your goals thinking of others first, your level of success will surpass your needs.

The typical resolutions people make are to lose weight, quit smoking, get a better education, get a better job, save money, get fit, eat healthy, manage debt, manage stress, take a trip, recycle, drink less and volunteer to help others. Only one of the thirteen resolutions has to do with others and not self. The others are about self.

Why not help someone lose weight, quit smoking or help them get a better education. You could also help someone find a better job or get fit or one of a number of things. Why not volunteer to help others and in turn help yourself?

The current year is quickly coming to an end and a new one is bearing down upon us. It does not take a lot of thinking, planning or discussion. You simply make the decision to do one, two or three things for another person. The rest will fall into place for you.

Stay inspired my friends.

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