Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I Choose to Be

On Choosing to Live Well
Lee Wise

I choose to be grateful, not hurtful.
I choose to be better, not bitter.
I choose to be content, not critical.
I choose to be attentive, not indifferent.
I choose to live well, not just live.

We all can use moments of direction in life and I am one that does not always succeed in meeting those things "I Choose" to be.

But the statements do give me reason to reflect and goals to achieve when I have nothing else.

You can choose to live your life hurtful, bitter, critical and indifferent, simply living life.

Or you can choose to be grateful, better, content and attentive, while living well.

It is your choice, it is your life; choose to live it well.
Stay inspired my friends.

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