Monday, April 13, 2015

Lighting the Way

How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.” ― William Shakespeare

You probably arose this morning, made coffee and retrieved the paper out front. There was a bit of time in your morning to to have a small breakfast before heading off to work or one of several different appointments. It could even be a weekend morning and a trip to the store to pick up items, filling up with gas or possibly a meeting with friends for a meal.

Today is a chance for each of us shine a bit of light on other people.

We can be a light of goodness to pass on a smile, a good word or kindness to brighten their day. Being this type of person who passes along kindness does not require greatness or training.

It only requires allowing the light within you to reveal itself.

We have a light to share and many around us need a light to shine upon their darkness.

The darkness could be a troubling day at work, an issue with another person close to them or one of a thousand other issues. What they need is a nice word or a smile to make a change in their day.

All you have to do is allow your light to chase out the darkness in another person's life. It doesn't take much light to open that path for someone. Let your light be the path for someone.

And stay inspired my friends!

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