Thursday, July 02, 2015

Fishing Lessons

"I love fishing. You put that line in the water and you don't know what's on the other end. Your imagination is under there." - Robert Altman

This week is called Gma & Gpalooza here at our house. It is a chance for the grandkids to spend a few days with Grandma and Grandpa, while the Moms and Dads get a short break to have some time alone. The week is always a blessing for us as we get to watch these kids grow steadily in life.

We plan events for the kids and one particular adventure was going to the Georgia Aquarium. The largest aquarium in the western hemisphere at just over 10 million gallons of water. To put it mildly, this place is huge.

While watching the fish and my grandchildren pace the tanks and glass walls observing each other, it occurred to me how life can be like fishing. Seems odd I'm sure to think of fishing at an aquarium built with a conservation and environmental mission.

Then again, I find inspiration in the oddest of places sometimes.

there are four things we do when going out fishing and are very appropriate as we travel along our life's path.

1. Be prepared.

Be prepared for most anything that might come along. This doesn't mean planning for the worst in every instance, but also planning in the good that will happen. This can be accomplished by staying well read, keeping up with the latest news and simply bringing the basic needs along with you. Keep learning and always prepare yourself for what is needed during your journey.

2. There are surprises around every corner.

This means you will never be fully prepared for every eventuality. So when these surprises occur, roll with them, adapt and enjoy the experience of the adventure. These unknown events are normally opportunities disguised as a distraction. If a tree has fallen into shallow water in your path, it likely has become home to the fish underneath. Opportunity created by surprise.

3. To have patience and persistence.

Sitting for hours along the dock with a line in the water can seem useless. Yet much can be learned by watching the motion of the water, the movement of the shadows along the shore and where the bugs hang lowly over the water. Our journey in life has these same moments but continuing down the path, we crest a hill, round a bend in the lake only to find what we were looking for.

4. Be in the moment, and live it out.

Every moment of every hour or day is going to be filled with different adventure, boredom or despair. Those moments can also be filled with happiness, joy and laughter. The past has floated by and can not be altered. The future still awaits down the shoreline. What does exist is here and now, so enjoy the moment.

The sea, the lake or the stream are filled with many fish. Each is an opportunity or adventure waiting for us to capture it. Little do we know what lay beneath the water line. But what we do know is that life exists there and all around us, waiting for us to live every moment of it.

Stay inspired my friends.

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