Thursday, October 08, 2015

See The Rose

You complain about seeing thorny rose bushes; Me, I rejoice and give thanks to the gods that thorns have roses.
- Alphonse Karr (Letters written from my garden - 1853)

Each of us know enough and have been around enough to know life is full of struggle. Not everything is good all of the time and not everything is bad all of the time. Part of getting through life is having belief in something better which can pull you through.

Many will spend their day complaining about how bad things are. But what does complaint do for your life?

Complaint only breaks you down and separates you from others.

There are not many people who enjoy the company of a complaining person. While others may try to help by staying close, giving encouragement and pressing you to change. Yet they will eventually tire from the negative experience it has on their own life. People will start to pull back from your life until you are left with very little.

Change has to take place within you.

A negative and complaining life style has to be rejected within your personality. Others can not change for you. Only you have that power. And you do have the power to make a change towards a more positive way of living.

Take your complaints and turn them towards a vision.

Simple things such as 'traffic problems getting to work' can be turned into a more pleasant experience. Try books on CD to listen to a great novel or a different genre of music to change the mood. Maybe a podcast on history to expand your knowledge would change things up.

There are many ways to change your condition in life.

It means taking a step in a different direction or leaving certain things behind. It means taking some risk, but never doubt what the human spirit can accomplish. Do not limit your possibilities.

So stop complaining about everything and start rejoicing in what is good and what can be in your life.

And stay inspired my friends!

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