Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Can You Hear

Acoustic listening devices developed for the Dutch army
as part of air defense systems research between World Wars 1 and 2.

"Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk." - Doug Larson

There is a young man at a place of business I know who is very talented. So talented that he lets many of those around him know just how talented he is. I give him credit for being quite smart because he is certainly not an unschooled person.

All that schooling can deprive you of one technique - listening.

The importance of listening seems to have evaded him. Many of us know how to hear others but we fail to learn how to listen. Each day this young man would bring his lunch to the table of old men. Their tales and fables fill the noon hour with stories built upon life times of learning.

Learning from life experiences can be gleaned from the most mundane comments.

Some may say it is only old men talking of past glories and failures. Yet the young man competes for the air space of conversation. His 'aged wisdom' tripping over what could be lessons learned. The momentary silence between the talk has to be filled. The loss of what he could learn is immense by not listening.

Is his knowledge not relevant nor important.

Absolutely not as even the young can have insight which defies years of experience. But what one can learn by listening is lost on some. Whether it be the young or the old, we all can learn by ending our talking and by listening. Even at my age, I learn and absorb all that is around me.

The wise old owl sits in a tree at night. You can hear his hoot as he communicates with others. But if you listen carefully, his silence is greater then the sounds he makes. He is listening more than sounding a call.

The way we listen varies from intent absorption to engaged questioning. But anyway you can, listen and learn. You will find out so much more by doing so. In turn, you will find more that can improve life from what you hear.

Stay inspired my friends!

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