Thursday, December 17, 2015

All Wrapped Into One - 25 Day Challenge

The practice of charity will bind us - will bind all men in one great brotherhood." - Conrad Hilton

Each day leading up to Christmas, I will provide you with one or two things to do during the day. Call them acts of kindness or call them acts of just being nice. Each will only take a few minutes and are very easy to accomplish. Try them and then let me know what you did and how it went by leaving me a comment.

Day One - Hope On A Lamp Pole
Day Two - Allowing Others First
Day Three - Calming Automobile Rides
Day Four - Picking Up Litter
Day Five and Six - It was your weekend, what did you do?
Day Seven - Smile, You're on Life's Camera
Day Eight - Holiday Treat For Others
Day Nine - Charity Begins With You Giving
Day Ten - Penny For Your Kindness
Day Eleven - Who Is Your Neighbor
Day Twelve and Thirteen - It was your weekend, what did you do?
Day Fourteen - Tell Someone Something Good

Day Fifteen, Sixteen and Seventeen - All Wrapped Into One

Wow, where did the days go? I got so wrapped up in my challenge that I missed two days. You didn't forget I hope. Did you try to do something nice, let someone go first or even attempt to smile a bit more each day?

My challenges for today and the past two days are then for you to give food to a homeless person or organization. To take time and talk with those less fortunate allowing them to tell you their story.

Everyone yearns for someone to just listen.

Now would also be a good time maybe organize a fundraising event or volunteer your time to a charitable organization. There are great people that run and work in these places 365 days a year. Take just a few of your days and help them and those they serve.

Lastly, go visit a sick friend, relative or neighbor. Chat with them, lend them a smile and get back in touch. You could also send a note to someone you've lost touch with. It could be they are just waiting for you to reach out.

Human contact goes beyond a text or Facebook post.

These are very easy things to do but many times hard for the spirit in us to let out. We can each help another in small ways that are really huge in impact to the lives you touch.

Let me know how it went and stay inspired my friends!

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