Monday, December 21, 2015

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise - 25 Day Challenge

Our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks." ― Samuel Johnson

Here we are in the final week leading up to Christmas. Our 25 Day Challenge is quickly coming to an end. A near month full of kindness or acts of just being nice. Each have only taken a few minutes and were easy to accomplish.

Let me know how it went by leaving a comment.

Day Twenty-One - Surprise, Surprise

surprise (səˈpraɪz)

1. to cause to feel amazement or wonder
2. to encounter or discover unexpectedly or suddenly
3. to present with something unexpected, such as a gift

Your challenge today is simply do something unexpected for someone.

There was a character named Gomer Pyle who was a a simpleminded and gentle person on the television show with the same name. The show aired back in the mid-1960s and one of his long standing responses to something unexpected was, "Surprise, surprise, surprise."

All of us get a general good feeling from a nice surprise. An unexpected gift. An unexpected call from an old friend. An unexpected card in the mail with a note. All sorts of things can lead to very nice and appreciated surprises.

So try to do something unexpected today for another person. A spouse, a friend, a sibling or for your children. The unexpected will become a source of joy for both the giver and the receiver.

Let me know how it went and stay inspired my friends!

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