Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Today or Next Year

Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day.
Francis Gray

Now that the reality of 2015 is ending and a new year is about to begin, what happened this past year and what did we learn? Did we do all of those things we promised ourselves back in late December of 2014? Are we ready for what will come in 2016?

Spoiler alert - I'm not so sure.

The life we live is full of contradiction, happiness, sadness, surprise and terror. We plan for a smooth road with rest stops along the way in perfectly timed succession. But what we get is a hilly and bumpy path which gets us sort of where we want to be.

And that path many times branches off in directions we had not planned for. Yet we continually plan and make arrangements, adjusting to the new course we are on. Life will not get in our way of achieving what we want.

So we trudge along looking for something beyond today.

You see it in our politics ... soon as someone is elected the opposing party sets their plans towards the next election instead of working today, together. The middle ground is only a future possibility once they are elected again.

You see it in our religion ... sermonizing of what a god may have for us, for our good deeds, for our religion. Knowing the future and eternity is ours if only everyone else would just get on board with our way of believing.

You see it in our culture ... the year old smartphone which is now deemed too old, too old fashioned for the bright new shiny toy. Always looking for the next big thing and never taking the time to enjoy what we do have.

To simply give up is not in the human spirit.

So we trudge along, confronting each of the day's battles yet planning of a greater tomorrow. And maybe those plans will lead us where we want, but what if we planned for today? What if we dealt with things today?

2015 is closing on the calendar and we tell ourselves of a plan for 2016.

In 2016 we will pull back from the far edges of our political arguments.
In 2016 we will live for humanity and not for a single religious ideologue.
In 2016 we will embrace what we have and marvel at what comes along.

Or we can start today, December 29, 2015.

Stay inspired my friends.

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