Tuesday, February 02, 2016

What Do You Expect?

People expect what they expect.. They never realize the possibility of surprise beyond expectations..!” ― Vaibhav Mehta

Its official, if you expect the worst, you will not be disappointed.

An article in Popular Science revealed information about a psychology study published in the journal Cognition and Emotion confirming the old adage reflects how you will feel about failure.

The study conducted shows that people who expected to perform poorly on a test actually felt worse when they did fail. This in comparison to those who also failed but approached the test with a positive attitude.

I would say the real message in all of this is your attitude.

Failure is a part of life and comes with being human. If you go around with a negative attitude about everything in life, you will likely feel worse when failure does occur.

And why is that true? Because when the failure occurs, you have only reinforced your negative belief. You dwell on the fact that only bad things happen and you simply feel worse. Negative reinforcement one could say.

If true, why not embrace the idea that failures and success both happen?

Change your mindset to believe success can and does happen. When failure occurs, treat it as a lesson learned that will only help to make you better.

You can live in the negative and feel continually bad about "...your lot in life." Or you can choose to live in the positive and enjoy all that you can attain.

Stay inspired my friends!

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