Showing posts with label CHOA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHOA. Show all posts

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Message of Kindness

"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness." -Seneca

Day four of my week of giving during the Christmas season brings us to doing something simple but has a great impact. Today I am talking about spreading a little bit of encouragement and kindness, all from the quiet and easy keyboard on your computer.

The Childrens Hospital of Atlanta where more than 1200 children (1280 to be exact) will remain hospitalized through the holiday season. These are kids that have varying medical issues that prevent them from being home with their siblings and parents. While I am sure they will have visitors and presents to open, not being able to wake up Christmas morning and running downstairs to the tree would be missed by anyone under these conditions.

So what you can do is go to Childrens Hospital of Atlanta and write a message of encouragement and hope. Simply let these kids know that others know they are in a hopsital, unable to attend the Christmas program at school, attend Christmas Eve service, or sit around the Christmas Tree unwrapping presents. A message to offer hope and encouragement that there will be plenty of Christmas Days in their future.

Along with sending a message, watch the video and Verizon will donate $1 for every message sent up to 25,000 messages.

The monies will go to benefit programs in support of children at CHOA (Childrens Hospital of Atlanta). Then write your message and starting on December 15th, the hospital will be delivering your messages during the last two weeks of the year and sharing them with the patients over closed-circuit TVs throughout the hospital.

The idea of a few simple kind words will light up the face of a child with smiles and give them greater strength to overcome. It will brighten their Christmas just knowing that others are thinking of them. Remember each time you see your name on the television or in a newspaper, if even for the smallest of things, it was and is a big deal. Now think of a child in the hospital, battling for health, battling for a return to a normal childhood seeing their name on the television.

A simple act of kindness from a stranger can be powerful to them. A simple act of kindness given from you.

Stay inspired my friends.