Showing posts with label Changed Lives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Changed Lives. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2009


Impossible is a word humans use far too often.” -Jeri Ryan

As I end up a week of providing short excerpts from my book CHANGED LIVES, the lasting impression should be one of possibility. I firmly believe that you can make a change in your life if needed. I also believe that we can each achieve quite a bit by first believing in that word again, possibility.

Without grabbing hold of a new way of thinking, a new way of approaching life, I could not move to a better life. I began to shed the ‘victim’ mentality and accepted a new attitude. As the days passed, I even returned to the building by the crossroads. Possibility was once again in my heart and mind.

Then it happened as it does to everyone that chooses to change. For some it is a chance encounter, to others it is a friend making a suggestion. It comes in many different forms and not always as a bolt of lightening. Many times it is a subtle change of wind that causes us to take that next step. From that moment of change, in the pouring rain in the depths of sorrow, my path was now brought back to this door of opportunity.

“And I stepped through the open door.”


For myself, possibility was to move on from what was a very difficult time in my life. It allowed me to start this web blog to encourage others. It allowed me to write two books so far. None of this is my professional work and I earn nothing from a monetary view point. What I do earn is knowing that people get moved to action in their own lives.

All of us need that little bit of encouragement or push to move on in life. This blog and the books are meant to help in a small way. So I hope you read the book, take a little bit of something from it and then pass it along. You can think of it as that pebble dropped in the water. The ripples that you set in motion will impact another and another and another....

Monday, May 18, 2009

The New Phone Book Is Here

It can be much more official now, "The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here!" The line comes from a movie starring Steve Martin called, "The Jerk". At one point, his character Navin is so excited about the delivery of the new phone book.

His friend Harry says, "Well I wish I could get so excited about nothing."

Navin responds, "Nothing? Are you kidding?! Page 73, Johnson, Navin, R.! I'm somebody now! Millions of people look at this book every day! This is the kind of spontaneous publicity, your name in print, that makes people. I'm impressed! Things are going to start happening to me now."

Well, I have that same excitement about my new book, CHANGED LIVES. Distribution has started and it can be found online at most any location including Amazon and Lulu online stores.

The ISBN number is 978-0-578-01674-0 and is my second book, the birthing of new words for all to read. So I would really appreciate some feedback on the book. It is a great read and actually feel it is a great book to give out to others that need some inspiration to move on in life. I have given out dozens and hoping for a ground swell of support.

I am also working on possible speaking engagements and turning my 'little project' into that 'big project' my friend Dean Sweetman spoke about. All it takes is a little excitement about what otherwise might be considered nothing.

So get excited, the new phone book is here!!