Showing posts with label Whitley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whitley. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2009

Marjorie's Music

Back from a great, but short vacation down to the beach in Panama City, Florida. Great time to reflect, rest, relax and recharge our lives before the holidays.

While I was gone, a friend sent me her latest music video that I wanted to share. She is an independent singer/songwriter by the name Marjorie Whitley. Odd that I've never asked her if she is related in any fashion to the (now deceased) singer Keith Whitley. But Marjorie's talent is not to be overshadowed by anyone else.

There are thousands of independent artists that are singers, songwriters, painters, photographers and movie makers. Each of them deserve our attention and support. Huge fame and fortune may not be the end result. But creating great music or whatever it is you create in life is what matters.

Each of us have talents; artistic, business, community or any of a number of things. You may not realize it but living life takes a certain amount of talent. Nurture your talents and live a great life. If we support each other along the way, then life gets lived a little better.

Enjoy Marjorie's music and if you feel inclined, support her and buy one of her music CDs. Or write her a note on Facebook of support and to find out more.

Enjoy the talent that surrounds us.