Showing posts with label accelerate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label accelerate. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

EMC World 2014 - Forward Motion

"If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears." - Cesare Pavese

The product I support for our company is called VNX. It is a storage system that I have seen evolve from the early days of 1987 when old traditional storage was simply "too old" for what the industry needed. During those days, we developed a SCSI disk array that managed to take several disks and basically band them together to present one pool of storage to host computers.

Relative to the time, those disk arrays were pretty FAST given the technology. But then technology moves on and over the years faster and more intelligent disk arrays become even faster and more intelligent storage systems. The only way we can move forward is by taking the good and smart things we have learned, discarding what went wrong and moving the technology forward. One example is the our company partnered with the Lotus F1 team to change and accelerate their success.

This is how we advance our products and our lives.

The same can be said for our lives. We start out with what we know and generally do pretty well. As we move forward, we take what we've learned and apply it to better our lives. Yet sometimes we hold onto the past. We hold onto grudges, hurt, pain and pride which slows us from making our lives better.

If we are to truly have a great life, what some call your best life, is to lay down those things that are slowing you down. Pain of broken promises, or the hurt experienced by some event will only keep you planted in the past. If you are holding a grudge due to a real or perceived incident, let it go. Forgive yourself by forgiving the other person if only within yourself.

Move yourself forward to a better life and a better way of living.

As each of you in attendance at EMC World 2014 are learning about some very cool and FAST ways of deploying, managing and growing with your storage needs. Take some time to learn, to REDEFINE your own life. Grow out of the old way of doing things and accelerate your life to a great life.

And stay inspired my friends!