Showing posts with label amazing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amazing. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Living Without

"It's amazing what you can do without, once you've done without." -Andy Penick

Okay, I have quoted a friend this morning but I make no excuses for it. You probably know a person like my friend Andy. You have possibly been a person like Andy. I know that I have been there and been amazed after the fact.

Each of us have driven ourselves towards success in life. We are supposed find the perfect job, the perfect salary, and the perfect rise to stardom. The world tells us we add in a perfect marriage, a perfect church and a perfectly average 3.2 kids.

There should be the big house in which everyone gets their own bedroom. A two car garage to hold two cars that are no older than two-years in age. There is possibly a boat, two family vacations and a yearly anniversary trip. And since we are living this way, the best in clothing and jewelry.

As we gather and grab for even more, we work harder and harder to keep the money flowing in. At this point, it is not successful living but living to look successful which has occurred. Don't take this wrong, success is great and all of the "things" that come with it.

What happens is when you are working to look successful, life can happen. It becomes a very difficult juggling act and some things end up crashing down to the ground. Living what appears to be a successful life will soon consume each of us. It can be very overwhelming and than it all falls and what you thought you "could not live without" is gone.

You are now faced with a new normal, which means not having all of those things. Your life is forcibly readjusted. You might fight it at first. Eventually you realize that you really didn't need all of those things. You begin to focus once again on the important things in life.

Your church, your health, your relationships, your kids and your friends. The material things are not what made you whom you are. You are you and you will be amazed at what you can do without. Even having the perfect church, perfect relationships, or perfect life is found to be less important.

You can not expect perfection in life because life itself is imperfect. What you can expect is how you will react and respond to those imperfections. You will find that it does not take a whole lot of material things in life to have a fulfilled life.

Without the burden of "keeping up appearances" you will find life in much better order. Your church, your spouse, your family and friends will seem so much greater. You will be so much greater. Life will begin to come back into alignment for you.

I have been through it, my friend Andy has been through it and each of you have been through it (or will probably go through it). Once you have come through this life lesson, that is when you will find what real success is. The things that truly matter in life will fill your world. You will not be "living without."

Stay inspired my friends.