Showing posts with label breakout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breakout. Show all posts

Friday, October 08, 2010

Cartoon Pane

Great dreams... never even get out of the box. It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line, to hold them up and say, "How good or how bad am I?" That's where courage comes in.” ~Erma Bombeck

In the old western movies, there always seems to be a line in which one cowboy says to another, "this towns too small for both of us." It usually was followed by some fight scene in which the good guy wins. The atmosphere is one of pending break out to something greater for the the town. It is a bold statement that finally shows the true greatness of the hero.

We can modify the statement apply it to our own life. Apply it in such a manner as to cause the hero in side to break out to something greater. To envision what I'm saying, imagine a single cartoon pane as your life. This pane is your whole world, safe on four sides but limited in reach. Now imagine telling yourself, "this box is too small for me." Shout it out so that those beyond the page can hear you.

As you gain confidence, you grow and the box actually starts to become too small for your life. Take your hand and push through the left side of the box. Punch a hole in the bottom with your right foot. Tear at the remaining pieces until your head emerges to reveal a big life awaiting your arrival.

No, I'm not talking about rebirth or any analogies to that. I'm talking about getting outside of the box we each tend to hide ourselves in. If we bust loose and break away from the artificial binds we have created, then a bigger and greater world is ours. We can rise above to the jet stream and sail to where we want to be in life.

Break out of the cartoon pane, break out in to a great life.