Showing posts with label career change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label career change. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2009

Constructing Change

I speak of change in my articles and change is coming to my blog. If all goes as planned, you will see a new look to this site next week. That time has come to allow the page to 'step through a door of change' and be different.

But until then, think of what you can do to change the world. What one thing can you do to make a difference for someone else. What one word do you have inside that will create change?


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Career Change

Federal Art Project, WPA, [between 1936 and 1939]

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." - Henri Louis Bergson

Another great day ahead of me as my oldest son ventures back home from where he lives in Denver, Colorado. Another of those guys that is walking through a door of change currently.

For the past several years, he has been both Executive chef and Sous chef, having done very well at it. But the nature of that profession can be very difficult in terms of hours and days worked. The longevity in any one location can be short as well as other demanding aspects of the job.

He has made a career decision to go back to school and learn a new profession. It is a big step and one that has its own challenges. But it is a step out in faith to go for something that will change his life. His story is similar to those in my book, CHANGED LIVES in which a step towards something new is what begins the journey.

So while you sit and worry about your current circumstance, life if moving on with or without you. The only person that can achieve things for you, is you. By making that first step through a door of decision will put you on a path to something new.

For advice on seeking a new career, I suggest a good informational site on the USAA website. They offer a checklist and "no, I get nothing as an endorsement". It is one of several great sites out on the web providing great advice.

So make that decision and walk through that door. So many have and so will you.