Showing posts with label cell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cell. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wish Upon a Do-Over

"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!" -Dr. Seuss

I have to think there are days we wish a do-over was possible. Especially after those moments when we do something in a selfish manner. Those moments that erupt into something bigger and our little selfish action impacts many others.

Take for instance the recent news story involving two flight attendants. From a passenger perspective, it was going to be a typical 1 hour and 20 minute flight from New York to Washington, DC. American Airlines Flight 3823, set to leave at 3:10 p.m. tells me that there were probably folks heading home. All they wanted to do was have a short flight and possibly get home in time for dinner.

But as the plane was moving along the tarmac, one flight attendant was still on her cell phone. I am not sure if she was speaking to her mother, brother or lover. Yet anyone that has flown knows that cell phones are to be in the "off" position once the boarding doors have closed. What can be assumed is that self-importance probably got in the way of her decision to keep using the cell phone.

The story gets better, "tongue firmly in cheek."

Her co-worker was preparing passengers and plane for the impending take-off. You have likely heard the announcement, "At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Also make sure your seat belt is correctly fastened. Also, we advise you that as of this moment, any electronic equipment must be turned off. Thank you.”

To make her point and without fully thinking through the consequences, the second flight attendant added the comment “including the other flight attendant.” A momentary lapse of judgement, directing comments at her co-worker in front of everyone, without thinking first. Selfish in thought one could say.

Of course her comment didn’t go over well with the flight attendant on the cell phone. The cockpit crew realized there was an argument between the two and travelers were told they’d be returning to the gate “because the flight attendants couldn’t work with each other." Passengers then had to wait nearly four hours while American Airlines went about locating another flight attendant much for dinner at home.

We can wish for a do-over.

I have to believe that both flight attendants will be disciplined in some manner. I also have to believe each would have acted differently if they were given a do-over. The reality is that we never get the do-over. We only get to learn from our mistakes, missed opportunities and failures. The do-over is really the "thing we learn" from the experience.

Would you really need to be on that cell phone when you have other responsibilites to take care of? Would you really call out a co-worker in front of others just to embarass them? Would you think before you act?

The do-over we get in life is learning from the mistake, failure or bad decision and then proceeding forward. Proceeding forward smarter and as a better person because of the experience.

Put down your cell phone, think before you act and stay inspired my friends.