Showing posts with label climb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climb. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Climbing Each Day

"I have learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it." - Unknown

Everyday can seem like we are climbing a rock face. Pushing ourselves to get to the next rock ledge only to find another shear wall to climb again. We struggle and sometimes catch ourselves wondering if it is worth all of the effort.

Many will discontinue the climb.

These are the people who set up permanent residence on rock ledge, limiting the movement they can make in any direction. The rock ledge is small and doesn't provide much space to grow.

Many will climb back down.

They resign themselves to never see the amazing view of their dreams. The bottom seems safe and secure, but very little light reaches those areas. Your vision is confined to short distances, never to see the horizon.

But there are those who continue the climb.

Facing the daily grind and change in direction of the climb, difficulty is expected but also part of the adventure. These people know what awaits them. In fact the higher you get, you get greater glimpses of it. When we reach the top, we are rewarded with a view so wonderful and great.

The view lets you see other mountains to conquer, new dreams, new goals.

Continue each day to push onward and upward. There will be setbacks along the way, but the outcome will be fantastic. You have the abiity inside to complete the climb. Once you arrive at your dream, you will wonder why you ever doubted yourself.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gravity Always Wins

"The memories of loved ones will allow us to jump and dance in joy for having been part of their lives." -Joseph Primm

For the past three days, my thoughts have been upon the tragic scene that unfolded in Newtown, Connecticut. I watched various news stories and the Sunday talk shows. The social media comments on Facebook and Twitter contained both words of sympathy and frustrated ignorance (from both ends of the spectrum).

I thought about writing in memoriam to the children and educators lost. There were words I wanted to express for the parents and loved ones left to grieve. There were words I wanted to express for those on both sides. There were words I wanted to express to my God and for myself. But those words are better left to myself.

What I decided to talk about today is the apple tree. A source of nutrition, a fruit taken from a tree branch. So much goodness that we can experience each day. As the old saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." A shiny red apple, juicy and sweet to the pallette.

Yet what of the apple tree?

Every season, the apple tree excitedly announces a new arrival with flowering buds. It fills the air with excitement and promise. As each tiny apple grows ever larger gravity eventually wins. The apple falls from the branch onto the ground and the apple tree branches lift with a sigh.

But even when the apples all fall from the tree, the apple tree will once again burst with new flowers. The apple tree will always continue to try it again, to move forward, to try and defy gravity. The fallen apples will have touched the lives of many others. The seeds of those tender apples will have planted new hope in others.

There will be new growth elsewhere, in other people. The fallen apple will not have been for naught. And while it may seem that gravity always wins, in actuality, it is the apple tree that always wins.