Showing posts with label cranky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cranky. Show all posts

Monday, December 07, 2009

Am I Cranky

There will be good days and bad, which means that some days I may be cranky and some days really cranky!” ~ Peter Jennings

So I fully admit it, I get cranky from time to time and my wife is probably still trying to figure it out. Guys will tend to crawl off into a 'man cave' and I'm no exception. But I will for no apparent or good reason simply become cranky.

Have I figured it out yet? No and not sure that I ever will. I sit back and try to review what started the mood but never find the source. With patience the mood swings away from me. Patience on the part of others and mostly my wife means I am lucky not to be living alone.

Its one of those things that life throws at us. Things that come at us in unexplainable ways. Things that we just have to deal with and move on from. Maybe it isn't being cranky, maybe its being wreckless, maybe its being depressed or maybe its being one of a thousand other things. Each one of these vary in frequency, length and level of intensity.

For some of these there are explanations and ways of eliminating them from your life. Others remain a mystery and become a part of our lives. What we need to make sure is that they do not take over our lives. With understanding people around us, we work through the 'cranky' period. With those same people around, you too will work through whatever it is you may be experiencing.