Showing posts with label grass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grass. Show all posts

Friday, May 02, 2014

Green Grass

"When you accept that the grass is greenest where you stand, you will then be able to see greater possibility." ~ Joseph Primm

We go through life always viewing what is on the other side of the fence.

- The neighbors have a nicer car.
- The people down the street have a bigger house.
- Your co-worker has an easier job.

The list can go on and on, always yearning to have something that others have. Yet we fail to first appreciate our current place or condition in life.

What our life is composed of has certain qualities to it. The pieces of our life have made us who we are. So the need exists to appreciate our current place in life before we will ever have the ability to appreciate anything beyond the present.

Having an appreciation for our current circumstance allows you to see more clearly what exists on the other side of the fence. It gives you a focused view both in directions and what you really need in life.

Without a view that the grass is green under your feet, you will never find green enough grass, you will never be satisfied.

Accept what you have now and work from that place. Enjoy those things you do have and give yourself a new start on a journey to what you will enjoy in the future.

As always, stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blade of Grass

You could cover the whole earth with asphalt, but sooner or later green grass would break through.” -Ilya Ehrenburg

It seems at times that we are surrounded by thick walls. Walls that have no clear way of getting through. They are too high and too strong. No windows, no doors and no way to get to the other side. So we quit trying. We sit on our hands and lament the impossible.

Yet even a single blade of grass never quits trying. It keeps working at the covering above it. A weak spot here, a crack over there; searching for a way to break through.

You are that blade of grass. You keep trying, you keep searching, you find a way through. Eventually it happens. Like that blade of grass covered by ashpalt, you break through the wall. You find a way to get past what confines you. You experience the sunshine, you experience greatness.