Showing posts with label hectic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hectic. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Busy Bee

"As busy as I claim to be, I've still got the greatest job in the world." ~Peter Criss

Would I want to be the drummer of a world-famous rock-n-roll band? Would it be the coolest thing to tour all over the world playing before thousands upon thousands of people? At one point in my life it was a thought. It was the drumming part that I was not very good at.

As a matter of fact, my musical skills were much better in my mind then in reality. So the dream of touring as part of the mega-great group KISS was never going to be in my future. What else was there?

The thing that brings my 'once vivid' dream is the manic lifestyle that probably accompanies such a life. But then, a manic lifestyle can touch each of our lives at most any time. It could be a crazy Monday or week that creates pandemonium in our lives.

What matters is taking better care of ourselves when the hectic times start to take over our lives. Carolyn Rubenstein writes in Psychology Today that, "We are conditioned to think that when more needs to be done, we must increase the amount of time spent working and decrease the amount of time spent refueling. This thinking causes a strange sense of obligation to sacrifice our well being due to the time crunch and demands of the situation. While it may seem counterintuitive, during the most hectic of times, we actually need more time to recharge."

It is your health from many perspectives that suffers during these hectic times. You need to take care of yourself throughout those busy times. All of that is a given and the advice is great.

It is also very helpful that you enjoy the work that you do. I don't mean to say that there are not certain things and times when the job isn't so enjoyable. But overall, you have to enjoy what you do if surviving the hectic times is going to happen.

Your life outside of work is going to get hectic enough at times. Yet if you compound it with a hectic job that you don't like, then things can become worse. And if you like the work you do, the hectic times are much easier to get through. In fact, enjoying your work has an impact on the rest of your life. Your relationships, your days off and even your sleep will be improved.

My hectic life is not your hectic, nor that of the next person. But it is my hectic life and I enjoy my hectic life. Are you enjoying your hectic life?