Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Inspirational Steps

Picture comes from Sarah Binette's blog.

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." -Frank Tibolt

The hardest thing to do when achieving a goal is in taking that first step. We sit and procrastinate and plan and ponder, trying to set the entire course out. We then over think the course we are going to take, allowing doubt to creep in.

To sit all day reading inspirational books and watching motivational speakers on television extol great words will not put us closer to our dreams unless we take that first step. By creating movement, other things move in your life.

Some will say it is God moving in your life, others say it is opportunity moving in your life while others will say it is karma. Whatever your belief is, the movement will place you on a course in which you will find opportunity and inspiration.

This course may not be the one envisioned while sitting there planning your future. But as you move, things that you had not envisioned will present themselves for you to take hold of. Yet it all begins with a single step.

Inspire yourself to stand up and move, create a wave with your movement and ride the waves of other peoples movement. Grab hold of the sun and use it to light the path to your goals.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Inspiration Offers

Inspiration comes in many forms and it comes at different times. I am no different than many of you in this respect. Dr. Wayne Dyer calls it being "in-spirit." There are many that would scoff in the belief in the 'spirit of ones self.' For me it is a driving force in who and what I am. Spirit of ones life comes in many different forms and variations.

In what ever form it comes, the spirit of ones life should be a driving factor in all you do. On average, we are only here in the physical for a mere 75 to 80 years. That is not a whole lot of time in the greater perspective and I have belief in something beyond our physical understandings of life. That certainly there is more to our existence then a biological one.

If I am wrong in believing that, then I have lost nothing. I lived a happy and content life or to say it another way, "he who dies with the most toys still dies." All of what I am saying here is not to debate religious beliefs of life and death. Nor is it to argue the philosophical beliefs you may have regarding the same.

What the intent is to offer my thoughts on what works for me. What gives me inspiration to live a happy and content life. To make this life a little better for those that I come in contact with. To impact them so that life can be greater for all around. Sounds simplistic and utopian, which is not the intent because I do understand the realities of life.

Just be inspired to do something good, to experience inspiration in all of its different wonders. Your life will be better, those around you will be better and success and achievement can follow. Remain 'in-spirit' as often as you can, learn from what it offers your life.