Showing posts with label landing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landing. Show all posts

Monday, July 06, 2015

Landing Our Connections

"I think people are isolated because of the nature of human consciousness, and they like it when they feel the connection between themselves and someone else.." ~ James Taylor

Many Monday mornings can be a blur for me. These days tend to be very busy days. I am either heading out on the road or catching up from the previous weeks travel. Many a Monday leaves me little time to even consider writing anything motivational.

Monday is a day of shift for me and for many of you.

Mondays are also a day when we to adjust our focus on clarity. It is a day we transition that focus from weekend relaxation to the work required to make the weekends much better. It is also a chance to bring life into focus by connecting with others and then doing something with our newfound clarity.

Connections are made by drawing closer, not further away.

When traveling by plane, the engines begin their deafening roar as the plane presses at increasing speed upon takeoff. The laws of gravity and air resistance seem in contradiction to lifting a fully loaded Boeing 737 airplane weighing roughly 75 tons.

Traveling down the runway at 170 mph, we lift off and the details of everything disappear as the plane rises higher and higher. When reaching a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet, you can see huge expanses of the earth.

The earth spreads out before you in a wondrous view.

One also notices the buildings, the people, the cars and the small details are also gone. From such a high altitude, there is no ability to focus on the small details. The people, the cars and buildings are impossible to see.

It reminds me that if we back ourselves away from connection with people, we lose the same ability to focus on things. We lose our relationships to others around us. We might as well be 35,000 feet in the air.

When we draw closer, relationships reappear and come into focus.

A plane descends near the end of a flight and little things reappear again. The shapes of buildings become clear. One can see vehicles racing up and down various roads. The landscape up close becomes much more recognizable, more familiar to the eye.

We begin to more clearly focus on all of the details as we drew closer to them. The closer a plane comes to landing, the closer we draw towards others, the tighter our connection becomes with everything around us.

Connection can only take place when we draw closer to others.

When we draw ourselves into relationship with other people, our focus on life achieves much greater clarity. With newfound clarity, your ability to impact the lives of others becomes much greater. The ability of others to impact your life becomes greater.

Your best life becomes even more achievable with connection.

Do not isolate yourself at 35,000 feet. It may feel like you can see so much further, but in reality you only see a possible landscape of your life. To live that possibility you need to draw close to it. And you draw close by connecting with people.

Achieve focus through connections and gain a better life.

Stay inspired my friends.