Showing posts with label liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberty. Show all posts

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Happy July Fourth

"For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail?" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

A very happy fourth of July to my fellow Americans.

Monday, July 04, 2011

July 4, 1776

"...Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

This Monday a holiday of importance in the United States will be filled with families, picnics, parades and fireworks. People will gather together, talk, drink, and eat hotdogs, hamburgers, chips and potato salad. They will go to the pool or lake, swimming in their local pool or sail their boats on the open water.

My wife and I along with 55,000 of our closest friends will run in the Atlanta Peachtree 10K Roadrace. An annual event that is filled with great athletes down to the casual walker. I try to enjoy the people watching, the people running and avoid the misery of the heat and humidity. I even take moments half way through to stop and shake hands with the Sheppard Center patients. Each year they line the sidewalks of Peachtree Street. I feel honored to shake their hands, to offer some encouragement and provide a smile.

Its a part of a great life we live, the ability to share a smile, to share a moment, or to give something of yourself. There were people back in 1776, people well before that and to this day that have given something for others. Each of us will have given large and small, life and limb, or words and hugs. In the end, we will have made life better for those around us.

As you celebrate this day, as you approach any day, know that you have the ability to impact the lives of other people. All it takes is a smile, a kind word or a thoughtful hug.