Showing posts with label monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monday. Show all posts

Monday, June 06, 2011

Monday Morning

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." -Marcus Aurelius

Here it is, Monday morning and I can hear the collective groan that comes with the rising sun. The alarm shatters our peaceful slumber and no matter how hard we try, the day must start.

Is it lack of sleep that causes our angst in getting up? If so, maybe you need to adjust your sleep pattern to obtain the right level of sleep. Maybe depression has entered your life and you haven't realized it. If so, then read up about it but more importantly, go see your doctor.

Could it possibly be that you simply are not satisfied with the amount of stress in your life? When we feel stressed and overworked, we try to "plow on through" the list of things to do. This causes additional stress which in turn can turn our motivation into a lack of it. It is these moments we need to stop and step back to relax.

Maybe you need some new techniques to recharge your life. Psychology Today provides some helpful tips to do just that. In an article titled How to Recharge and Get Motivated, it offers advice on just that. A dip in your personal motivation will work against you and make those mornings more difficult. Try something new in order to lift the stress from your life and raise the motivation.

Monday morning is always going to come, as is Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. While we may not want to jump up in joy with the birds, taking care of ourselves will make all mornings a little easier to enjoy.