Showing posts with label near. Show all posts
Showing posts with label near. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Asteroids and Opportunity


"Sometimes you have close calls and don't think anything of it, but it's a near miss really." -John Dilling

It was a close call last night (11/08/2011) at 6:28 PM on the east coast of the United States. Actually a close call for all of the planet. A rather large and imposing asteroid came within 201,700 miles of hitting the Earth. That is closer to the Earth than the orbit of the Moon.

This deep space visitor named 2005 YU55 paid us a visit and many of us didn't even realize it passed by. NASA sent microwaves onto the asteroid from a radio telescope near Barstow, California in order to reflect and receive greater details about the asteroid. I am pretty sure there were many other agencies doing the same thing.

This isn't the first time it has passed by and it will not be the last time. Its elliptical orbit takes it deep into space and was only discovered in 2005. Hence the name given as "2005 YU55" and this is the closest it has come for at least the last 200 years. It won't come close again for at least another 100 years according to scientists.

What amazes me is that we have "near misses" everyday in many different ways. Things happen in our world and life that we are totally unaware of most the time. There are ripples of life flowing through out our days that we ride through without a moments notice. Only when we start worrying about them do we feel the anxiety.

We could worry about any and every thing going on. A tree bending in the wind might fall and do damage. The tire on our car might go flat while driving down the freeway. The sun might explode, the earth may stop rotating, the 2012 predictions might come true, or any one of a million things.

You have to keep living life and let a large part of that worry go. Maybe that worry you are doing is keeping you from meeting opportunity in life. Maybe those near misses are opportunities you failed to encounter because you were sitting alone, hiding from possibility.

Your movement in life creates the chance you will meet up with great things. The intersection of inspiration and achievement can not be entered by doing nothing. The road to it may have some hardship and pain. But that road will also teach, strengthen, and grow your life. That road will prepare you.

Don't allow yourself to miss out on possibility in life. Don't let those near-misses happen. The asteroid "2005 YU55" may one day turn from a "near miss" into a "direct hit" with the earth. But we can not sit around and worry, we have to get on with the business of living life.

Stay inspired my friends.