Showing posts with label note. Show all posts
Showing posts with label note. Show all posts

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Life on a Napkin

"Fear melts when you take action towards a goal you really want." ~Robert G Allen

What is it going to be this year? While you were having those celebrations, did you start to write down those goals and resolutions for the new year?

We tend to draw our life up on napkins, building a life upon the bits of paper we find handy. Our dreams get written on PostIt notes. Our visions penciled in on napkins and all of those bits of paper scattered about your dresser.

The time is NOW to start turning those pieces of paper into reality. Find one thing, one easy thing and accomplish it. Then find the next one and the next one. Before you know, those pieces of paper have been built into a great new life.

Don't wait and let tomorrow all of a sudden become December 31st. You took the time to doodle notes on a scrap of paper. Don't leave your life on a napkin. Take the time to build something out of your effort. Build a great life.