Showing posts with label privilege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label privilege. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Membership Has Privileges

"The time to relax is when you don't have time for it." ~Sydney J. Harris

There is an ad campaign by a major credit card company that basically says, "Membership has its privileges." It is a way of enticing you into choosing their card over another. That by doing so, you will have advantages that non-cardholders will not have.

It is a powerful way to gain and keep people using your products. For me, membership in an airline mileage program offered by Delta Airlines has kept me returning to them for years. As a long time travel and medallion member, those privileges were something I had gotten used to. The ability to bypass the long lines, seat selection, upgrades and so much more were things that made travelling so much easier. In light of the 2009 economic downturn, my air miles plummeted.

Then on February of 2010, my status as a Gold medallion member was stripped away. Even though my travel has increased significantly this year, I had lost the 'brass ring' of travel. I had been relegated to what frequent travelers call 'Abyss' status. A level so low that the airlines consider you no better then the baggage, which you now have to pay to check if not carried on.

Oh the humanity of it all, poor pitiful me. My heart was crushed, my ego bruised and my frustration inflamed. How could I possibly go on? So now I state with 'tongue firmly planted in cheek' that I was unsure if I could go on.

Yet I found myself taking a deep breath, relaxing and focusing on the new reality of airplane travel for me. I could get upset with the airline or other travelling passengers, making myself a grumbling and mean spirited person. Or I could assess the situation, adjust to the new situation and enjoy the day.

I made efforts to change my status with the airline, but took to my new standing with ease. I could have turned my attitude into making myself miserable each time entering the airport. But I didn't want to ruin the grand possibilities that life has to offer by being dour.

Heck, I still have my Sky Club membership and can enjoy the comforts of a lounge before boarding a plane and taking my middle seat. Yes, I even tried to get out of my middle seat without the privileges of membership. I was then amused by a Platinum member (75,000 + miles flown per year) that requested a seat change on my same flight. He had a middle seat as well and could not get a seat change. He asked the agent, "my Platinum status means nothing?" I guess even membership does not always have its privileges.

So please keep calm and carry on with your day. Just relax and enjoy the day because membership in life has so many privileges. We just sometimes forget to experience them.