Showing posts with label rambling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rambling. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Rambling Sense

"Days of the week are helpful. Sundays are good, but I like Saturday. Sometimes I’ll write down a day of the week and wonder why it’s spelled that way. “Wednesday” is the hardest day to spell. Sundays are good for pro football, but now football season’s over. People like watching football. It’s so much colder in winter. It would be nice if we could have some warm spring days mixed in the middle of winter to even things out a little. I have a watch that tells me the time, except when the battery dies. Everything dies. That’s why I keep a spare watch battery. Why is a AAA battery smaller than a AA battery?" ~Andy Rooney

Okay, so what could I have to say today about a rambling quote from Andy Rooney on a "60 Minutes" television show? It is a rambling speech about days of the week that really seem to say nothing. Why would any of it seem to make sense?

When I read through it again and again, on the surface none of it made. But when I broke down each of the statements, each one had meaning and value. I'm not sure if that was Andy Rooney's intent or not, but it made sense to me.

Our life and the events that happen around it may not seem to make sense in the broad view. But when we stop to look at each of those individual events, each has some type of meaning or lesson. With so much going on in our daily lives, all of those details seem to blur into a rambling or haphazard series of events.

If we take a bit of time to reflect and examine some of those events, each will become more clear. The rambling will become more sensible. Life will seem to make a bit more sense.