Showing posts with label realize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label realize. Show all posts

Friday, April 10, 2015

Now Go Do It

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” - Leonardo da Vinci

We can sit around all day, all week or all month planning a vision. The problem is that nothing will change until you act upon it.

We complain about our condition in life and why nothing changes. The problem is that nothing will change until you act upon it.

We can want for change by dreaming of something new in our life. The problem is that nothing will change until you act upon it.

The two key words in the above statements are YOU and ACT.

It takes you to act if change is going to take place. Movement towards anything will cause the change to occur. Only by believing in our vision, acting upon that vision, will we realize the success of that vision.

You know what to do; now go do it and see your life change.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Imagination and Knowledge

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein

From the time we are born, we learn.

From those beginning moments we are crawling, standing up to walk, learning to speak and dress ourselves. Through school and the hard knocks of everyday life, we gain knowledge that gives us the ability to succeed or fail.

It is also through those successes and failures that we learn as well.

It is imagination and dreams within in each of us that allow us to go beyond what we already know. It can drive us to learn more, it can empower us to do greater things, and it gives us a belief to do more than we are deemed capable of.

I say to "believe in your visions, act upon your visions and realize your visions" as a way to tell you everything is possible. There is a way for you to achieve and be successful in life.

It is your imagination that will lead you to that success.

Stay inspired!

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Purpose

"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." -John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Purpose and direction, two of the things that can be essential to living a happy life. Where are we headed and why? It is a pretty simple question but can be very difficult to answer. We question ourselves over and over trying to figure this one out. So much that we can become mired in the muddiness of the question itself.

As we try to answer the question, we work hard in trying to get somewhere. We say if we just work hard enough, put out enough effort, we will end up where we want. But where is it you will end up if you do not have any idea where "that place" is?

You may be asking yourself now, "gosh, he always says that we need to get up and move in order to make change." Am I saying that you should sit still until you figure out that purpose and direction? Of course not and traveling in circles is not a good idea either.

What I am trying to tell you is that you need to get up and move. Change will come as you head off in one direction. The idea though is to examine the direction you are headed. You may find that it is not correct, but at least now you know what "is not" the purpose for your life.

I liken it to someone giving up everything to minister to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying like Mother Teresa. You may find that once you start heading in that direction, it really is not using your abilities very well. It could be that you were meant to make millions of dollars in the business world like the author J. K. Rowling whom has contributed tens of millions to fight poverty.

While Mother Teresa has passed on, what she left behind continues to accomplish a tremendous amount. What Ms. Rowling is doing will also live on for a very long time. Both created purpose and direction in their life; they are examples at both ends of the spectrum. You can accomplish an awful lot somewhere in between as well.

As you can see, it is in getting up and moving that starts to create change. You examine that change, evaluate it as you move and then change direction until you one fine moment realize, "this is my purpose and direction." It will happen when you least expect it. And above all, stay inspired my friends.

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Project

"I'm not in a hurry to do a lot of projects. I am very resolved in each project I take on." - Maya Lin

Your life is your project whether you want to realize it or not. It take four facets in order to get ahead and move forward in life. These are shown above and mean so much when it comes to seeking a great life.

The first one is to "DREAM" of what you want in your life. Great things in life do not normally just fall in your lap. That which you want is very personal and has to be something that you will hold onto as your very own.

Secondly, you have to "BELIEVE" in yourself and what you want in your life. It takes work to hold tight to that which you want. When other people are not providing encouragement or work to ridicule you, hang on and believe in yourself.

A third item is to "ACT" upon what it is you need. Sitting at home wishing and dreaming will not get you closer to the dream. It takes movement or action by you to begin working towards that dream. If its a new home, the simplest action might be to start saving extra money each week. Maybe it is to change jobs, then career training might be the right 'action' to take.

The last thing is to "REALIZE" your dream. It will happen and you will achieve great things. It is very possible that the final achievement may not be exactly what you first envisioned. Yet the end result will be exactly what you needed.

And when the dream is realized, dream again and again and again. Never stop moving forward in life. Enjoy and achieve all that you can. It is possible and it all starts with the sparkle of a dream.