Showing posts with label rehearsal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rehearsal. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Today Is Not A Rehearsal

The Rehearsal by Edgar Degas

"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed."
~ Wayne Dyer

I read an article recently which spoke about the act of moving forward. An act in which we keep moving forward despite the obstacles we each face every day. In the article, Sandip Dutta wrote of a warrior bearing his burden and keeping his eye on the goal.

"The warrior moves on; he moves on despite a dead horse and a broken sword. The warrior moves on! With no one to fight for him, no one to fall back on, he moves on with an unshakeable faith and an unwavering determination. With a damaged armor and an empty arsenal he moves on.... he moves on!

He has already lost a thousand battles but he still moves on despite the hundred bleeding scars on his moonlit face. The warrior moves on for another battle; may be he will lose it too but he moves on with his dead horse and a broken sword because the battlefield is calling. He knows he might lose another hundred battles but he has his eyes fixed on the war and he cannot be whipped if he fights another battle, and then another battle, and another. So he moves on despite a dead horse and a broken sword.

The battles we encounter each day are large and fearsome within our individual world. Those battles will tempt us to yearn for the past and try forcing us to give up. Those battles may seem insurmountable as we look for a way out.

Time moves forward because no one has yet found a way to live in the past.

We may even look beyond today towards the future. Tomorrow is out there waiting for us and we may wish to skip today. But still the battle must be fought today. It is not a rehearsal for life. Today is a real thing that must be achieved so tomorrow can wait to be fought and won.

You can win the war for your future, while not guaranteed do not give up your future without a fight. Yesterday is just that, a past that can not be relived. Tomorrow is only a glimpse into what can be.

Today is the bridge between the two and it must be lived.

Live today in anticipation of success that will be achieved. Live today like success is here and now. And stay inspired my friends.