Showing posts with label rock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rock. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Imperfect Path

"March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path." ~Khalil Gibran

It's a pretty straight forward path that we all wish we could walk down. Life without any issues. A smooth, well laid course of bricks to walk upon is the one we wish for. Yet we all know that the path we take will not be quite so easy. The journey itself can be rough.

The path will be built of many different rocks and pebbles. It will be built with the stones of experience and circumstance that come our way. Not all of the pieces will fit perfectly together. The many shapes and sizes will frustrate our ability to continue the walk.

Our path will never look perfect when we turn to look back. Yet looking back is only to see where we have come from. To see the hard work we have done building our path of rocks. And it will look beautiful in our eyes.

As we turn then to look towards our future, we know the work will be hard. We know that the path will not be perfect. But we do know that the path will be unique. It will be wonderful. The path will be ours.