Showing posts with label sign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sign. Show all posts

Friday, September 17, 2010

Signs Everywhere

"There are no road signs to help navigate. And, in fact, no one has yet determined which side of the road we're supposed to be on." ~Steve Case

I tend to have my father's penchant for maps and is something that has tended to help me through out life. When driving, it helps to have already mapped out where you are going. I am also lucky enough to have a pretty photographic memory of where I have travelled such that I can remember in most cases and describe the routes.

I'm not sure if that makes me 'special' along with my 'counting steps' while walking, but it does make getting from point A to point B easier.

Growing up I would watch my father take a yellow highlighter pen and mark the routes to be taken on a trip. And when I got older, my excitement grew at getting my annual road atlas from State Farm. Yes, the simple joys in life one might say. As I've grown older and technology grows, the use of Google maps and the satellite views gives me an added advantage. I can actually map and see what the route looks like before I ever get there.

Even with all of the maps and technology we have, there are still the signs along the way to guide us. There are exit signs, distance to, airport locations, hospitals, and street names. We have signs to tell us how fast we can go or where not to go. Sometimes there are so many signs it can be overwhelming.

Its too bad we don't have those same signs to help us with our lives. Sure, there are the "Don't Drink And Drive", "Click It or Ticket" signs to remind us to be safe. But why not signs to remind us that life is pretty good? Or why not signs telling us which decisions to make in life to get us to our vision or goal?

If we listen and pay enough attention though, signs do exist out there. There are people in your life that are signs standing out as great examples. All we have to do is place ourselves in position to see and submit to those signs. Even deep inside of us there are signs that tell us what the right thing to do is. Don't under estimate your own intuitions.

Sounds all too simple I'm sure. In some ways it is and some ways it isn't. But then again, if everything was easy, everybody would have everything ever wanted out of life.

The road to your vision isn't going to have all of the visible signs needed to guide you. But if you look hard enough, you will find them and eventually your destination.